Monday, July 23, 2007


What an interesting weekend this was. I mean, the zoo is always fun and movies are too, but there's something to be said for the man who walks down the street with a package of beef jerky in his back left pocket and a tube of Aspercreme in the other. What kind of situation does one need to be in for those specific products to be on one's person? I mean, come on. The dude was Mexican, probably a vaquero by what I gathered from his attire, and he seemed very clean-cut save the jerky and topical analgesic. So interesting. Some people never cease to baffle me.

I haven't written much lately because my laptop is on the fritz. I'm using the campus computers right now and that's putting a serious damper on my porn habit. I kid, I kid. Nevertheless, a brand-spankin'-new laptop should not be attempting to commit suicide. Confound Dell and their low prices. I really wish I'd bought an Apple, but price was an issue. Anyway, who really cares, right? It's just a thing. Things can be fixed. If they can't be fixed they can be replaced. If they can't be replaced we can always get some beef jerky and Aspercreme and that should help the pain go away. Hmm... nope. That's not what those things do. I'm still trying to figure that out.

Preceding the meat-loving-vaquero-with-Aspercreme siting my friend and I drove by this hoity-toity Italian restaurant in downtown Oklahoma City. We wanted to go in, but there was a black tie requirement and that wouldn't have gone well with my shorts and sweaty t-shirt. I'm glad we still have pretentious eating establishments though. This fast food nation needs to put a little more uppity in its give-a-damn. Right now, our give-a-damn is broken. That's not always a bad thing, mind you. Apathy has its advantages.

That's all for now.

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