Thursday, July 12, 2007

Indian Hunting

Ok. Let's talk. I went to class this morning and fully expected that no one would know what was going on. We're all so lost that we don't even know what questions to ask. Keep in mind that this is an upper-division college course. It's hard. My friend David asked a question and the professor couldn't understand him so he asked David to show what he was asking on the board. He went to the board, asked his question, and the professor belittled him in front of everyone. "Do you not understand resonance? Have you not taken Chemistry before? What is it you do not undastand?!", he yelled. He continued to lambast David. I'll tell you what, if I had been in David's position I would have either turned red with embarrassment or gotten violently confrontational. David is a bigger person than me, I guess. Another friend of mine called the professor out in front of everyone, so the professor gave David 1 (that's ONE) bonus point as an apology for being an ass. Yes, an ass. That's the nicest label I'll afford him. I used some very appropriate labels in class, but I'll be nice and call him an ass on here. Anyway, if he is the same way tonight at the review session I'm going to call him out. He's much nicer to the people who won't take his crap. Since that's the case, I'll expect my A at the end of the semester.
I have a problem when he says you'll be an awful doctor because you're having trouble grasping a certain concept. People aren't born knowing how to do this stuff. It takes a lot of work. We're all busting our butts and the professor is tormenting us. I make a habit of loving everyone, but I'm on the verge of hating this guy. Oh well, I'm about to talk to his higher-ups. If he wants to play hardball, well, game on.

That's all for now. Let's hope I don't get arrested for battery.

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