Monday, July 2, 2007

Language Barrier

Well, I didn't end up doing any writing this weekend. I took my final and passed the class. I didn't get the grade I wanted, but I never have to take this course again. The third time was the charm. I wanted to spend the weekend celebrating, but I got sick on Friday afternoon and ended up having to go to the hospital at 5am on Sunday because I was having trouble breathing and swallowing. I quickly looked up what was wrong with me in my Merck Manual and went to the hospital to get some help.
Anyway, my sickness isn't what I'm wanting to talk about. I want to talk about my doctor. When I told my doctor that I was taking organic chemistry for the third time he looked at me and said, "Hey! I did too!" I laughed as much as I could, but his comment wasn't nearly as funny as it was encouraging. Even with his failures he had become the doctor he wanted to be. I found that refreshing. It just goes to show that the only thing keeping us from achieving our dreams is ourselves. I may not get to go to Columbia (a dream come true) for medical school, but I know I will at least be be able to go to medical school. It'll take a lot of hard work, but this is the destiny I've planned for myself and nothing is going to hold me back. [I laugh in Affirmative Action's face.]

Anyway, organic chemistry II started today. My new professor speaks broken english and gets frustrated when people don't respond to him because no one can understand him. Well, that's what you get when you pay for school. You aren't paying for the opportunity to learn from someone as much as you're paying to get a grade for learning the material on your own. I don't know about other institutions in the States, but OU has a horrible track record of recruiting professors of the sciences who speak clear, fluent english. That's one reason why Affirmative Action doesn't work. The government extends liberties to people who are not citizens of this nation. Affirmative Action was a good idea, but implementing it has simply created reverse racism. Besides ignoring the equality of ALL peoples, it gives people what they haven't earned and don't deserve. I heard of someone who practically aced his MCAT, but was denied entry to a medical school because a person of color with a much lower score was given his spot simply because of race. Talk about inequality. America may say it stands for one thing, but it rarely practices what it preaches. We are a society of complete contradiction. And so, I can't respect a professor who is hired and given tenure if he can't speak english. How am I to know if an American professor was turned down for the job because he wasn't in the minority? In general, the ability to speak clear, concise english should be the number 1 priority when it comes to hiring someone in this country. If other countries want the freedoms and privileges we have then they should fight as we have fought for them instead of expecting a hand-out. I know every rule has an exception, but there's difference between bending the rules and breaking them. We should never make exceptions when it comes to being able to communicate.

I'm going to stop for now. I'm getting a little heated.
That's all for today. Look for me tomorrow.

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