Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I've been busy lately

My trip to Kansas was incredible. I never thought I would have enjoyed myself as much as I did. Lawrence is a gorgeous town. Downtown Lawrence puts Norman's Campus Corner to shame. While the people in Kansas are just as nice as those in Norman, Lawrence's atmosphere is more welcoming because it offers a small-town appeal. Norman is quickly becoming a corral for the big-box stores, the corporations, and the low-quality get-rich-quick stores. Instead of using Norman's natural appeal to draw respectable Mom and Pop businesses it has played the game of the corporations and sold off its identity. KU won their men's basketball game against Villanova while I was in The Granada at the Explosions in the Sky concert (which was incredible). When I walked out the door there was a sea of blue shirts celebrating the win. Total strangers joyfully clinked their drinks together while yelling at the tops of their lungs. Now, imagine OU had made it as far as KU did (KU ended up winning the National Championship). What would the scene have been in Norman? It would have been quiet, boring, and business as usual. Sooners don't have much school spirit outside of football. Any day besides football Saturdays is painfully mundane. This is supposed to be a college town. If anything like what happened in Lawrence had happened in Norman I can guarantee that "the law" would have shown up to disperse the crowd.

That's what happens in a state where it takes less training to be a police officer than it does to be a beautician (nearly 5x more training for a beautician - and not all beauticians are good at what they do). Chew on that.

Change of subject.
Last Friday I went to Tulsa to the OSU Center for Health Sciences where the OSU College of Osteopathic Medicine is located. The medical school there is small and everyone knows each other. That's the kind of medical school I want to go to. I have hope of getting in also. My options are narrowed down to two medical schools right now: OSU and Guadalajara. I may be offered the option of attending medical school somewhere else, but I will go there only if I can't get into my top two. I had an incredible day in Tulsa. The medical school is top-notch, yet hometown. It's a D.O. program, which means there are more areas of treatment offered to help patients. The approach is whole-body and focuses on fixing the problem rather than medicating the problem. I'm ready to go to medical school! Let's hope Oklahoma State takes me. If not, see you in Mexico!

This summer I'm enrolled in weight-lifting and Spanish as well as a certification course at MooreNorman Technology Center that will allow me to work closely with patients and hospital staff. Not only will it help prepare me for future interaction with people needing health care, but I will be building relationships with doctors who have gone through what I'm about to go through in medical school. It's funny, but I will have earned 185 college credit hours by the end of the Fall 2008 semester and still won't have what I need to graduate with my two degrees. All I can say is that I wouldn't have made it this far had I not learned to enjoy school so much.

That's all for now.

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