Monday, December 3, 2007

Thanks, USA!

I am an exceptional person. I don't mean to sound conceited. I'm just trying to point out that I don't think I'm average or mediocre in any way. I enjoy life, but the Man has me down.

My disappointment lies with my government. Due to government requirements and bureaucratic red tape, I am treated unequally from my peers and those who are pursuing the same career as I am. I have always had difficulty learning using the system high schools and universities implement. I always knew I had a more difficult time than most and until recently I didn't know that my problem was out of my control. I was diagnosed with Severe Inattentive Adult ADHD last month. My health insurance conveniently decided not to pay for the treatment of my learning disparity and because I was diagnosed while under this insurance plan other insurance companies will not provide compensation for treatment because I have "a pre-existing condition." Insurance through the university will not provide for it and Disability Services (although I don't consider myself disabled) will not give me student benefits unless I am treated. I can't afford $300+ per month of medication nor the $75 monthly fee from the doctor. So, because I can afford neither appropriate health insurance nor treatment, I am effectively being punished for a difference in learning styles . My government has failed me. If I was considered a person of color I would be given a special dispensation on my insurance and through the university. What happened to all men being created equal?

Boo-hoo for the middle class white boy, right? There's a serious problem with America. Equality exists only for those who have the money. I'm going to become a citizen of Mexico and then illegally immigrate back into the states because the US government will take better care of me as an illegal alien than as a tax-paying, law-abiding, voting citizen.

Thanks a lot, USA.

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