Wednesday, September 5, 2007


My uncle had a minor health problem recently that required surgery and few days in the hospital. His wife and my parents were there when I went to see him. This wasn’t a life-altering problem and knowing that helped us all not to be uptight or worried. It was just the five of us and we shot the breeze for several hours before saying our so-longs and farewells. Seeing my family makes me realize how much I love them. There aren’t sufficient words to describe the feeling I get when I’m with family and there isn’t any tension or fighting. We crack jokes and tell stories, gripe and complain about religion and politics, and simply enjoy each other’s company. I love my family.
I enrolled in a certification course at a technology center nearby. By the end of the course I’ll have hospitals asking me to work for them instead of it being the other way around. If anyone wants more information I’ll be glad to send it their way. Anyway, it’s a great opportunity and I’m looking forward to the end result.
This semester at OU is about as difficult as I expected it to be. I’m only enrolled in 14 hours, but each course is significantly challenging. To my credit, I planned it all this way. Each course has a great deal of overlap with all the other courses and that serves to my advantage because I’m learning much of the material in one class that I am learning in another. I don’t have to study as much since the courses dovetail so well.
I had my hair all cut off. After several people told me my chances of getting a job weren’t very good with long hair I decided to bid it adieu until I have the opportunity to grow it out again. There was a career counselor, however, who said I looked clean-cut even though my hair was 8 inches long and I hadn’t shaved in two weeks. I think she was being nice, don’t you think?
I’m setting aside several mornings and afternoons each week to work out. I weighed myself recently and let’s just say that the scale and mirror are disproportionate to the mental image and weight that I want. I’ve got the frame, but the canvas could use some restoration. I guess I should take advantage of the OU gym since I’m paying so many fees for it anyway. What’s that, you say? A $38.5 million swimming pool?
Anyway, I’ve done quite a bit yet not enough lately and I need to get caught up with my schoolwork and training. You may or may not hear from me soon, but I’ll do my best to leave notes as the opportunity arises.
That’s all for now.

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