I know I said I wouldn't be heard from for a while but I felt compelled to leave a note before leaving on my trip to Lawrence, KS to see the band Explosions in the Sky. If you don't know of them I suggest doing some research. I've fallen in love with their music.
Anyway, I had planned on taking a friend with me but things didn't turn out the way I had originally hoped.
No matter. I've decided to see how much I'll enjoy going somewhere on my own. I'm looking forward to it. Fuel may be expensive but I can handle it. It will be a 9-hour round-trip.
I've been listening to a lot of music lately. It helps me make better sense of the arguments I have about God in my head. No matter the differences I have with the people who falsely claim to really know God, I can't help but continue to search for Him and to do so without their coaching. It wouldn't matter if I had tangible proof that God did not exist. I will always want to believe he really is out there. I'll always have this sense that he is. I'll always look for him. He is in everything. And whether or not Jesus Christ truly was the Son of God will not change the beauty in his words or the spiritual poetry in what he taught. Regardless of the doubts I have and the renunciations I've made, the hateful thoughts and spiteful attitudes I've had toward the God and the Christ whose mouthes today's "Christians" so nonchalantly speak for, I cannot continue to pretend that there is no higher being. He's out there. He's in the room you're reading this in. He's in the cellular pathways I study. He's behind the evolution I firmly believe in. And even if Jesus was merely a thought put down on paper, I'd like to believe that God was behind that thought. It's a thought I can believe in. Because of that, I can say that I believe in Jesus Christ.
I'm sorry for the bad things I've done, but I don't regret them. I wouldn't know what I know if I hadn't made those mistakes. All evil is undone by good. Good things came from the bad things I've done.
I do not think of the Bible in literal terms. I take a loose metaphysical approach. Even then, I won't budge on the portions where Jesus speaks. I'm not going to proselytize and try to convert anyone. I had to find my belief on my own. The only thing I can do is encourage others to do a bit of soul-searching. Whether you come to the same conclusions I have makes no difference. No one can make you believe something.
It's nearly 2:00pm and I have a long drive ahead of me. Feel free to drop me a line. Being alone on the road is exciting, but daily loneliness is another thing altogether. I'll always have the need for someone to talk with. I'd like to have a brother or two. Someone to talk nonsense with, have a heated argument with, drink a beer with, play catch with, or just hang out with would be a welcome change for me.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
The Beauty in Life

Sometimes I have "sunset moments." Those are the moments where you see yourself in the light you hope someday to be standing in with the goals you hope to have achieved, the personal experiences you hope to have had, and the things you hope to have or have had. My sunset moments are jumbled now. Of course there's almost always a sunset in them, but the events aren't always the same. Sometimes I'm standing alone looking at the horizon. Sometimes I've got someone with me. Sometimes there's a woman in my arms. Sometimes I'm in a valley between mountains. Sometimes I'm standing at the edge of the river. Sometimes I'm even standing at the edge of a cliff. The thing is, I tend to think that my sunset moment would always be the same if I knew what I want out of life. I don't really know what I want. I'm 23 years old and I haven't chronicled any personal adventures of report. I haven't experienced falling in love nor have I lost anyone close to me. I haven't even graduated college. I haven't traveled the world (much) nor have I decided if my career goal is without a doubt the one thing I want to do. I have so many talents that aren't being utilized. I have so much intelligence that isn't being tapped into. I've got everything and nothing going for me. I'm unsatisfied. My sunset moment isn't as satisfying as it used to be. My life is fairly unremarkable. It's flat-lined, familiar, and vanilla. I sensationalize things in an effort to make my life more interesting to myself, but in reality my life is boring.
More than anything I want to be free from a past of mediocrity. I don't know that I want to be the person I always wanted to be. They say that good parents give you wings to fly and roots to keep you grounded. I don't want roots. My family gave up its roots almost a decade ago anyway. Staying grounded is not my idea of a good time. I know the saying is a nice thought and I know what it really means, but morality and the abilities to use both restraint and common sense are not qualities bestowed by being grounded. They are qualities provided by education. They are also derived from fear.
The only thing that I really enjoy is writing. I like to write about my hopes and dreams, but I don't know where to get started when it comes to experiencing them. Lately, studying has been unproductive. I used to have well-intentioned, borderline-spiritual conversations with people. I don't have them anymore. My once large cluster of friends has broken apart and each person has gone somewhere to continue his or her life. They're off realizing their hopes while I'm still pining away, hoping.
It isn't as though I'm not working toward my goals. I'm just not happy with the way things are. I wasn't happy with the way things were. If you're thinking "I, I, I, I, I," you're right. I know it's not all about me. I know I should be happy for those that have left this place even if they left without me. It isn't that I'm not happy for them. I'm just jealous. I see all the things I could have achieved and know that my performance has been far from satisfactory, much less tolerable. I would love to have someone to go through life with - simply a friend, if nothing more; someone I could connect with emotionally who I have something in common with; someone who would try not to judge me and would forgive me for my mistakes; someone who would accept me not because I'm not perfect, but because I don't want to be; someone who genuinely wanted to spend time with me because it's a mutual feeling; someone who won't give up on me or use me. I once had a friend like that, but that person left me with those who neither understand me nor care to. I don't want to be pitied. I want positive, life-altering change. I just don't know where to find it. Believe me, I've played the religion and faith game (address previous post) and I never found satisfaction in it.
I don't know where to begin anymore. I'm not ready to give up and I'm tired of the same results giving up normally brings.
I want to experience the beauty in life. Life is in color. Why am I experiencing it in black and white?
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