Wednesday, December 26, 2007


1. I resolve to get in the shape I want to be in. To achieve this I must eat healthy foods, exercise daily, and go to the doctor in spite of my pride.

2. I resolve to read for pleasure more. To achieve this I must manage my time more efficiently.

3. I resolve to do excellently academically. To achieve this I must use all beneficial means necessary.

4. I resolve to gain fulfilling, well-paying employment. To achieve this I must finish a certification course.

5. I resolve to serve and volunteer. To achieve this I must make myself available to those who can use my services in a productive way.

6. I resolve to lead more than follow. To achieve this I must do what is necessary to earn the trust of those who have the authority to grant me positions of leadership. If none are granted to me I must create my own.

7. I resolve to act in spite of my insecurities. To achieve this I must scrape together the small bit of courage I have and throw caution to the wind.

8. I resolve to take the MCAT and do superbly on it. To prepare myself I must study past courses and improve my critical thinking skills.

9. I resolve to find a way to manage my inattentive adult ADHD.

10. Wanna ride bikes?

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