Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Oh Lady

So, I was sitting in class today and the professor put our grades on the overhead projector. Somehow I have a B in Organic Chemistry II. I'm amazed. It's possible to get an A if I do well on the final. Sweet action.

Anyway, the fall semester doesn't start for another three weeks, but I'm already feeling the pinch. The total at OU for textbooks is $761.70. The total would be $826.43 with tax. Ouch. I'm going to www.campusbooks.com to get a listing of the lowest prices on the internet for each book. The total I'll pay online is about $316.57 or $343.67 with tax (if included). Even so, does anyone have a rich uncle? Know any loan sharks?

I think the price of textbooks is ridiculous. Publishing companies are committing highway robbery. I can't believe there hasn't been a wave of outrage and opposition against these prices. Even at half the price, the cost is ridiculous.

Now, with the cost of books, tuition, fees, rent, utilities, food, clothing, gasoline, and other bills, I need a job more than ever. If you've got any good ideas or know of any high-paying jobs out there LET ME KNOW!

Gotta get some work done.
That's all for now.

Monday, July 23, 2007


What an interesting weekend this was. I mean, the zoo is always fun and movies are too, but there's something to be said for the man who walks down the street with a package of beef jerky in his back left pocket and a tube of Aspercreme in the other. What kind of situation does one need to be in for those specific products to be on one's person? I mean, come on. The dude was Mexican, probably a vaquero by what I gathered from his attire, and he seemed very clean-cut save the jerky and topical analgesic. So interesting. Some people never cease to baffle me.

I haven't written much lately because my laptop is on the fritz. I'm using the campus computers right now and that's putting a serious damper on my porn habit. I kid, I kid. Nevertheless, a brand-spankin'-new laptop should not be attempting to commit suicide. Confound Dell and their low prices. I really wish I'd bought an Apple, but price was an issue. Anyway, who really cares, right? It's just a thing. Things can be fixed. If they can't be fixed they can be replaced. If they can't be replaced we can always get some beef jerky and Aspercreme and that should help the pain go away. Hmm... nope. That's not what those things do. I'm still trying to figure that out.

Preceding the meat-loving-vaquero-with-Aspercreme siting my friend and I drove by this hoity-toity Italian restaurant in downtown Oklahoma City. We wanted to go in, but there was a black tie requirement and that wouldn't have gone well with my shorts and sweaty t-shirt. I'm glad we still have pretentious eating establishments though. This fast food nation needs to put a little more uppity in its give-a-damn. Right now, our give-a-damn is broken. That's not always a bad thing, mind you. Apathy has its advantages.

That's all for now.

Monday, July 16, 2007


I can’t understand why we program ourselves to fail. It’s like we need to fail in order to have an excuse for not trying the next time an opportunity arises. Why do we do this? There are plenty of opportunities to succeed, but we pass them up because we think they won’t be very helpful to us. Somewhere along the line I’ve allowed myself to get complacent with the idea that I could never be anything but a C student. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I’m immensely intelligent, but I’ve allowed myself to settle for less. I don’t know how I’ve let myself do it either. I hate losing. You’d think I would have found a way out of this rut by now. I’m not used to winning, so when I actually do I’m very graceful about it. I know I’m not that kind of person. I mean, I like to think I’m reasonably humble, all things considered. I don’t know why I allow myself to feel so defeated sometimes.
It angers me to think about how much we would rather live average lives than fight for success. Maybe it’s just me, but this is something I’m disgusted with. I think far too deeply to figure out how to dig myself out of this hole, so I’m just going to have to tell myself that I won’t settle anymore. I don’t know what frame of mind to have other than one of anger to conquer this sickening cycle of self-sabotage.
I’ve made quite a few mistakes in my life, but I’ve allowed trivial matters to destroy my hope for better things. I’ve allowed myself to think that I’ll never get a job in Norman because I’ve been shot down so many times before. What I neglect to tell myself is that I have had two jobs in Norman and that I just need to fight harder for the next one – the one that will give my career the jumpstart it needs.
I saw a really uplifting movie recently, but the only reason the main character won was because his family came and did most of the work for him. Yes, my family is helping support me financially, but my success if dependent only on myself. If I don’t do what’s necessary to meet my goals no amount of help from my family will save me. Honestly, I feel that getting a good-paying job will afford me more independence and responsibility because I’ll be paying for my living expenses as well as my tuition and fees. Also, I’ll have a way to say “I earned that,” and, “I made that.” The balance in my check register will show the fruits of my hard work. That, in turn, will boost my self-confidence.
Anyway, money is not what I’m trying to talk about. I’m trying to talk about avoiding failure. I know failure is inevitable, but it isn’t the be-all end-all of life. We get back up and try again. As much as I argue that I’ve done my best, I haven’t. I’m so much better than a C student. I’m equipped to do well, I just misuse what I’ve got.
I used to keep a schedule of things I needed to do, but I ended up ambitiously adding so much to the list that I didn’t get any of it done. I’m not asking for help. I’m just going to try something new and look back several weeks from now and see what’s changed. Keep up with me and I’ll let you know how things go.
That’s all for now.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Friday Friday

So, I walked out of the exam a few moments ago and didn't feel badly about it. I actually slept some last night and although I woke up wanting to stay in bed I got up and went to class for my exam. Although I could have stayed up all night studying and perhaps done better on the exam, the rest I got was far better for me. As I sat down to write today my friend Brittney called me and told me that all of the multiple choice answers had been listed underneath each question. I never noticed them and am kicking myself because I didn't recognize and take advantage of them. I feel better knowing I worked the problems out though. There is always time to learn, even during an exam. Anyway, the rest of the exam was more difficult but I think I did well considering how little studying I got done this week. Getting an education can be difficult, but being sick while pursuing that education makes it much more daunting. I guess that goes without saying.

Anyway, now that the exam is over the weekend has begun. It's a rainy Friday, but I'm sure I can find something to do. I've been meaning to get some reading done this summer and I read the prologue to The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama last night before I fell asleep. It's pretty interesting. I've got a long list of books to read. I think I'm closing in on 100 right now. My goal is to read about 5,000 or so before I die. I'd better get crackin'. There's nothing worth watching on TV anyway.

That's all for now.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Indian Hunting

Ok. Let's talk. I went to class this morning and fully expected that no one would know what was going on. We're all so lost that we don't even know what questions to ask. Keep in mind that this is an upper-division college course. It's hard. My friend David asked a question and the professor couldn't understand him so he asked David to show what he was asking on the board. He went to the board, asked his question, and the professor belittled him in front of everyone. "Do you not understand resonance? Have you not taken Chemistry before? What is it you do not undastand?!", he yelled. He continued to lambast David. I'll tell you what, if I had been in David's position I would have either turned red with embarrassment or gotten violently confrontational. David is a bigger person than me, I guess. Another friend of mine called the professor out in front of everyone, so the professor gave David 1 (that's ONE) bonus point as an apology for being an ass. Yes, an ass. That's the nicest label I'll afford him. I used some very appropriate labels in class, but I'll be nice and call him an ass on here. Anyway, if he is the same way tonight at the review session I'm going to call him out. He's much nicer to the people who won't take his crap. Since that's the case, I'll expect my A at the end of the semester.
I have a problem when he says you'll be an awful doctor because you're having trouble grasping a certain concept. People aren't born knowing how to do this stuff. It takes a lot of work. We're all busting our butts and the professor is tormenting us. I make a habit of loving everyone, but I'm on the verge of hating this guy. Oh well, I'm about to talk to his higher-ups. If he wants to play hardball, well, game on.

That's all for now. Let's hope I don't get arrested for battery.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Stickin' With It

Yeah, I didn't write yesterday. Sorry. I'm trying to stay on top of things. Distractions sometimes get the best of me though. Anyway, life is good. I got sick again this weekend but it was just because of the pharyngitis from last weekend and the mold. I'm getting better though! As soon as this congestion goes away I'll have a clean bill of health.

My best friend Jesse is coming to visit me today. We've got a whole sha-bang of things planned to do. I doubt we do them all, but we're going to have a blast. I'm hoping she moves in across the street from me. Those would be good times. We're gonna have fun today.

I'm a little behind in class, but I get what's going on. I know, that's shocking to hear from me. I actually understand what I'm reading. The professor is another story, but I'm going to do well on the exam this week.

So, anyway, I'm just stickin' with it and rollin' with the punches.
That's all for now.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Post 4th

Ok, I took a couple days off from the internet. Whateva.

I went and saw Transformers on Tuesday night. I have to admit that if special effects was the only criterion for measuring the value of a movie then this is the best movie I've ever seen. Leave it to Spielberg's Industrial Light and Magic to create such an amazing film. Also, the 2009 Chevy Camaro is in this film and that is one beautiful machine. I would almost trade my '68 for the new one, but I'm a little attached to what I've got. I love Chevy.

The movie was much more fulfilling than the fireworks display in Chickasha last night. I was really disappointed. Last year's show was really good, but this year was sloppy and exciting like a nursing home. I'm just glad that seeing my family made the trip worthwhile.

My first exam in Organic Chemistry II is tomorrow morning. Quite a few students are considering dropping the course because our professor's speech is so unintelligible. I've had foreign professors before, but this guy might as well be speaking in Hindi. He'll say some jibberish and then say, "You undastand dis? I speaky Engliss." Really, Doc? Really? You could have fooled me...
Oh well, I can't complain too much, otherwise, I'll let it consume my focus which will keep me from learning the material from the text. I don't really have much choice in taking the course. It has to be taken and he's teaching it this coming Fall also. I might as well get it over with. Three more weeks after this one and I'm done. I get a three-week break and then school starts again. I was really hoping to go somewhere for a mini-vacation, but I don't see that happening. I'll just read a book and get a job. I can always go on a vacation in my mind. :-/

Anyway, I'm headed to the gym. It'll be the first time in over a month since I've been there, but I'm out of shape and want to look good. My car shouldn't be the only thing I've got to attract chicks. ;-)

That's all for today. Stay classy, Planet Earth.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Language Barrier

Well, I didn't end up doing any writing this weekend. I took my final and passed the class. I didn't get the grade I wanted, but I never have to take this course again. The third time was the charm. I wanted to spend the weekend celebrating, but I got sick on Friday afternoon and ended up having to go to the hospital at 5am on Sunday because I was having trouble breathing and swallowing. I quickly looked up what was wrong with me in my Merck Manual and went to the hospital to get some help.
Anyway, my sickness isn't what I'm wanting to talk about. I want to talk about my doctor. When I told my doctor that I was taking organic chemistry for the third time he looked at me and said, "Hey! I did too!" I laughed as much as I could, but his comment wasn't nearly as funny as it was encouraging. Even with his failures he had become the doctor he wanted to be. I found that refreshing. It just goes to show that the only thing keeping us from achieving our dreams is ourselves. I may not get to go to Columbia (a dream come true) for medical school, but I know I will at least be be able to go to medical school. It'll take a lot of hard work, but this is the destiny I've planned for myself and nothing is going to hold me back. [I laugh in Affirmative Action's face.]

Anyway, organic chemistry II started today. My new professor speaks broken english and gets frustrated when people don't respond to him because no one can understand him. Well, that's what you get when you pay for school. You aren't paying for the opportunity to learn from someone as much as you're paying to get a grade for learning the material on your own. I don't know about other institutions in the States, but OU has a horrible track record of recruiting professors of the sciences who speak clear, fluent english. That's one reason why Affirmative Action doesn't work. The government extends liberties to people who are not citizens of this nation. Affirmative Action was a good idea, but implementing it has simply created reverse racism. Besides ignoring the equality of ALL peoples, it gives people what they haven't earned and don't deserve. I heard of someone who practically aced his MCAT, but was denied entry to a medical school because a person of color with a much lower score was given his spot simply because of race. Talk about inequality. America may say it stands for one thing, but it rarely practices what it preaches. We are a society of complete contradiction. And so, I can't respect a professor who is hired and given tenure if he can't speak english. How am I to know if an American professor was turned down for the job because he wasn't in the minority? In general, the ability to speak clear, concise english should be the number 1 priority when it comes to hiring someone in this country. If other countries want the freedoms and privileges we have then they should fight as we have fought for them instead of expecting a hand-out. I know every rule has an exception, but there's difference between bending the rules and breaking them. We should never make exceptions when it comes to being able to communicate.

I'm going to stop for now. I'm getting a little heated.
That's all for today. Look for me tomorrow.