Thursday, August 23, 2007
Life is beautiful. I must be in love with something. Maybe I'm in love with school, my career, someone, or something else. I don't know what it is. All I know is that music is sweeter, people seem warmer, the sky is clearer, and I am more confident than I've ever been. It's taken me a while to get it, but life is beautiful no matter the circumstances, the lack of money, the condition or appearance of your house or car, the amount of love you get, or how awful you might let yourself feel. Life is beautiful. Seeing the beauty makes the ugliness tolerable. To me, I have every chance at being successful. Success is not a series of actions, but an attitude.
Life is good. I'm working out the kinks and I have new perspective.
That's all for now.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Full Circle
Organic Chemistry is over with and I’m a little nervous about my grade. The professor sent an e-mail to the students saying that he had our final grades tallied but that we would need to e-mail him requesting our grades. I had a B going into the final, but I’m nervous about my final grade because the final exam was so difficult. I shouldn’t worry, but I can’t help it.
No worries. If my goal is to lead an interesting, successful, and fulfilling life I can’t live in fear, can I? My birthday is a week from this Saturday and I can’t believe I’m going to be 23 years old. Time is going by so quickly and I always feel like I don’t have much to show for it. I know that will change when I finally graduate, but graduation is an uncertain date far in the future.
I read an entry I posted one year ago today and can’t help but question what happened to the person who wrote it. I’ve changed so much since that day and yet I’m still the same person. Just as I was doing last year I’m thinking about the future, searching for a job, stewing over taking the MCAT, and looking forward to a challenging semester. Anyone can see that I have reason for feeling like I’ve accomplished nothing this past year. I still have so much to accomplish and I think I’m finally ready to achieve the goals I’ve clung to for so long.